About William Afriyie

Personal Trainer W2BF

William Afriyie Personal Trainer W2BF

Movement has been an important aspect of my life since my childhood. Whether on the dance floor, at a family parties or during gym classes at school, I always turned out to have a natural talent for learning movements and was able to push them to the highest level. 

From the age of 10 I started with Taekwondo, where I got a lot of my flexibility and kicking techniques from. I stopped when I was 15 to practice a somewhat more intensive martial art, namely kickboxing. I soon fell completely in love with this, but I was still looking for even more intensity. That's how I ended up at Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), where I could freely develop and increase my knowledge and experiences of the previous martial arts.

In the same period I was introduced to American Football, where I excelled in various positions. Through my American Football association I came into contact with the world of athletics, where I made a rapid development in my running technique, speed and endurance. 

Een zware rugblessure (ik had mijn rug gebroken) heeft het helaas onmogelijk gemaakt om door te breken in de professionele klasse. Dit was een donkere tijd voor mij vol teleurstellingen en somberheid. De fysiotherapeuten waarbij ik in behandeling was zorgden ervoor dat ik weer pijnloos kon bewegen. Dit inspireerde mij om anderen die ook van bewegen houden of graag meer willen bewegen, maar om wat voor rede dan ook beperkt zijn, te helpen hun beweegdoelen te bereiken. 

William Afriyie American Football tijd W2BF
William Afriyie Fysiotherapie W2BF

After my rehabilitation I immediately started to immerse myself in the human body, after which I registered for the study to become a physiotherapist. During my study I also studied giving personal training, calisthenics training, EMS training and sports rehabilitation

I also rediscovered my love for dance through my friends who are in the professional dance world. That is why I like to work with dancers with whom I can use my creativity in complete freedom.

William Afriyie Dans W2BF

Momenteel zit ik in mijn laatste jaar van de opleiding tot fysiotherapeut en is hij gedreven om jou met zijn kennis en ervaring vooruit te helpen in het behalen van wat voor beweegdoel jij dan ook voor ogen hebt.