
Since the beginning of the corona pandemic there is has been an increase in neck- and shoulder complaints. With an increase of people being forced to work from home, this sounds more than logical. According to the CBS homeworkers on average make 4 hours overtime per week.Well damn…. I love people with a strong work ethic but come one man… (or woman, or everything in between (we pc over here))

The increase of nek- and shoulder pain strongly showed itself during my internship at Fysioworld Amsterdam. So many people came in with pain in the neck that radiates to the shoulder, or head or even both in some cases, because of prolonged sitting in a so called computer posture.

1. Forward positioning of the head so you can look THROUGH your screen. (anteroposition of the head)

2. Bending over the upper back that leads to the shoulders hanging forward (protraction)

3. Pulling up the shoulders so you can lift yours arms to operate your keyboard and mouse to compensate for the fact that you’re sitting sagged in.

These factors have strong association with nek pain.

Now…what would be a solution for this increasing problem…? MOVE!!

No jokes tho, there is evidence that people who are physically active are less likely to develop neck and shoulder pain.2

So please.. take a break in-between working and go outside, go get yourself some fresh air. Or if you don’t feel like it do some exercises at home. Homeworkers with neck- and shoulder pain can get a exercise program aimed at strengthening the neck- and shoulders for just 10 euro’s. Fill in the contact form. Prevent Covidnecks!!

1.     Vollebregt B. CBS: thuiswerkers maken overuren in coronatijd [Internet]. Trouw. 2020 [geciteerd 15 march 2021].

2.     Moretti A, Menna F, Aulicino M, Paoletta M, Liguori S, Iolascon G. Characterization of Home Working Population during COVID-19 Emergency: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health [Internet]. september 2020 [geciteerd 15 march 2021];17(17).

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